The Commodore Hull Thanksgiving Day 5K Road Race has announced that Greco & Haines, Inc. will be back again as the marquee sponsor for the 2010 race – the ninth since the race started in 2002.
The announcement came at a ceremony in which the committee and Greco & Haines presented a check for $11,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck
Valley which represented the proceeds of the 2009 race.
Jeanne Connors, President and CEO of Greco & Haines signed the check and presented it to Jack Ribas, executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club.
At the same time, she announced that Greco & Haines would be coming back to support the race again this year. Greco & Haines has been the main sponsor of the race since its inception and has provided approximately 5,000 race shirts and many other items.
Tom Wilson, Race Director for 2010, said, ​“We are thrilled to have Greco & Haines back as the main sponsor for a race that has now grown into a Thanksgiving tradition in the Valley. It was their initial support that made the race possible, and we appreciate their ongoing support.”
He noted that over $50,000 has been raised for the Club since the race started in 2002, and that the committee thanks all of the sponsors who have so generously become part of a great holiday tradition.
The funds given to the Boys & Girls Club help to support one of the most active Boys & Girls Clubs in the country.
The Boys & Girls Club provides, in a safe environment, programs that inspire, educate, guide, and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged
circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.
The Commodore Hull Race Committee puts on the race as a celebration of the cities of Shelton and Derby and the history of one of America’s greatest naval heroes – Commodore Isaac Hull.
He was born in Derby and lived in both Derby and Shelton. His greatest claim to fame was his leadership of the U.S.S. Constitution, ​“Old Ironsides”, in the War of 1812.
This year’s race will be held on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 25.
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