Griffin Hospital Offers Diabetes Talk, Testing

Griffin Hospital is offering reduced price diabetes testing and a free presentation to help individuals understand the condition on April 1.

Mary Swansiger, BSN, MPH, will present Diabetes 101” on Tuesday, April 1 at 6 p.m. in the hospital’s Meditation and Learning Center, 130 Division Street in Derby. This free presentation will provide an overview of prediabetes, diabetes type 1, and diabetes type 2 as well as risk factors and prevention.

Griffin Hospital’s Community Outreach and Valley Parish Nursing Department will also be offering A1C diabetes testing to interested individuals. The A1C test provides a picture of an individual’s average blood glucose (blood sugar) control for the past 2 to 3 months.

According to the American Diabetes Association, an estimated 25.8 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, including 7 million who are undiagnosed. There is also an estimated 79 million people with prediabetes.

The presentation is part of Griffin Hospital’s Healthy U Tuesday Talks,” a series of free wellness talks featuring Griffin Hospital medical experts and community partners providing trusted health information and answers to questions on a wide range of topics.

All Tuesday Talks are held in Griffin Hospital’s Meditation and Learning Center at 130 Division Street in Derby. Light refreshments will be served.

To reserve your spot or for more information, call 203.732.1511 or visit

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