Guest Column: Della Volpe A ‘Loyal And True Friend’

As someone who knows him almost as well as his own family, I write to express my support for Mayor Jim Della Volpe.

First, other than my late father, Matthew Pop” Shortell, I have yet to meet someone who loves Ansonia more than Jim. He considers it a great honor to serve as the Mayor of his lifelong hometown and cares deeply about everyone and everything in Ansonia.

In my 11 years working alongside him I saw how he welcomed visitors into his office with respect and a determination to do whatever possible to help them. Most of the time he was asked for help or to intervene on someone’s behalf and on occasion he was criticized but never once in that 11-year span did he ever ask the person’s party affiliation or whether they were voters. That never mattered to him; he just wanted to help and was determined to find a way to do it. He never was concerned about getting credit for it,” that just isn’t his style.

Walter Winchell once said, A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” If I didn’t know better, I would think Mr. Winchell was talking about Jim Della Volpe. No one escapes dark times and difficulties in life and for me it was during the darkest and most difficult days of my life that Jim Della Volpe’s friendship shined brightly. During those times most people say call me if you need anything” but Jim Della Volpe just came to my door and helped. He didn’t have to be asked.

He is the same loyal and true friend to Ansonia and all who live and work here. He has had great success as Mayor of Ansonia and will continue to lead Ansonia forward. During these difficult and challenging economic times, it would have been easier for him to walk away when his health was challenged.

No, he recovered and renewed his determination to work through the economic challenges to steady the ship with calm and honest leadership during tough times. He has proven over and over that he is the man for the job.

This is not a letter about a political campaign nor is it about name-calling and false accusations. It is not a letter about motorcades, bright lights and music on Main Street This is a letter about a loyal and treasured friend. Forty-one years ago Jim Della Volpe stood alongside my husband and me as a member of our wedding party and 39 years ago we chose him to be the godfather of our first-born son. 

These choices were not made lightly, they were made because he was, and still is, a loyal and true friend. He is still a loyal and true friend to all who wish a bright future for Ansonia and Jim Della Volpe is the one candidate running who has the character and integrity to serve our city as Mayor of Ansonia.

The writer is a Democratic candidate for town clerk. The Valley Indy accepts guest columns from political candidates with a 500-word limit. We edit submissions that are longer than 500 words. The views expressed in guest columns should not be misconstrued as the opinion of the Valley indy, nor is the publication of a guest column an endorsement of a candidate, party or policy.

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