GUEST COLUMN: Independent Candidate Running For Ansonia Town Clerk

CONTRIBUTEDWhen it comes to managing an office no one is more organized and dedicated than Janet Vitarius Waugh.

Residing in Ansonia for 12 years I appreciate and recognize Ansonia’s need for continued economic growth.

In November 2012, I was selected to serve, with fellow Democratic and Republican colleagues, in updating and improving Ansonia’s Town Charter.

During these public meetings many of my fellow residents voiced their concerns, prompting me to run for the Town Clerk’s position. I filed the appropriate paperwork with the Secretary of the State to run as an Independent candidate for the position of Town Clerk.

I have had the pleasure of meeting many residents through the years living in town.

Currently, I am introducing myself door-to-door, visiting the senior centers, and participated in a recent event at Warsaw Park.

I will be at the Harvest Festival on Oct. 5, please stop by my booth.

Vote on November 5th for the preferred candidate for Town Clerk, Janet Vitarius Waugh.

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