On Tuesday Sept. 10, 2013 Chief Kevin Hale of the Ansonia Police Department will take over as the President of the New England Association of Chiefs of Police.
The swearing in will take place at the Association’s annual conference in Plymouth, Mass.
The Association was founded in 1926 and incorporated in 1939, and has several missions, which include:
- A continuing partnership with Roger Williams University to provide outstanding police training to officers of all rank
- Specialized training for chiefs and upper level police leaders concerning the most relevant and contemporary issues facing law enforcement agencies today
- Continuing to grow a large network of contacts and resources throughout New England and beyond.
Chief Hale will serve a one year term and will succeed the current president, Chief Mark Leonard, of the Veazie, ME Police Department.
Chief Michael Metzler, of the Seymour Police Department, will take over as the Association’s Sergeant-At-Arms.