Families and individuals who have not obtained help to offset winter heating bills can apply up to May 1, 2012 for assistance from TEAM.
If you have already applied for energy assistance for the September 2011 to May 1, 2012 season, you do not have to reapply with TEAM. Applications are being taken for those households or individuals who have not yet applied for the 2011 – 2012 season.
Families and individuals may qualify for assistance if they fall below these income levels: $31,864 for a household of one, $41,668 for a household of two, $51,472 for a three person household and $61,276 for a four person household.
Applicants are deemed eligible based on review of their total household income, such as job earnings, unemployment compensation, social security, pension, etc.; household size; and liquid assets, as shown through bank statements. If an applicant is approved for assistance, TEAM will make direct payments to their home heating provider.
Both homeowners and renters who are residents of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Derby, Milford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton and Woodbridge can apply for energy assistance from TEAM.
To schedule an appointment with TEAM Energy Assistance, please call 203 – 736-5420 ext. 3, or in Milford, 203 – 783-3253; Woodbridge, 203 – 389-3429; Orange, 203 891‑4787, and Bethany, 203 – 393-2100 ext. 124.