Heim: I’ll Bring Leadership And Crediblity To First Selectman’s Office

Incumbent First Selectman George Temple wonders whether I have a vision for Oxford. I’ve been explaining it to voters for the past two months. 

Here it is:

Foster economic development. Bring in the kind of economic development team that doubled commercial revenue and kept taxes low. Work with community leaders, area developers, and other town officials to unblock 20 projects been stalled for at least two years. Encourage a sensible mix of commercial and industrial development near the Airport and away from Route 67.

Invest in Oxford’s Future. Support prudent short-term spending and borrowing for long-term improvements. Work with the Board of Finance to make sure the ambulance corps, the firehouses, and the Department of Public Works get new equipment so they can work efficiently and keep your family safe. Explore purchase-lease agreements to get the equipment at the lowest cost.

Bring Better Leadership. No more mistakes like humiliating townspeople by publishing an error-ridden list of supposed tax cheats. No more special deals, like giving away $100,000 of town-owned topsoil that could have been sold to pay for the new playscape. 

For 28 years, I was a top editor at Consumer Reports magazine. I helped manage its transition into the digital age while maintaining its reputation for impartiality, honesty, and clarity. 

For much of my time at Consumer Reports, I was responsible for the day-to-day running of the magazine. I learned how to help people manage their time and resources and how to make things happen on time and on budget. I have had to learn the art of compromise — convincing people to put aside personal agendas and prejudices to produce the best possible result. Those skills will be just as useful in Town Hall as they were in the editorial offices.

Oxford needs leaders who are professional, not partisan, and who will only do what is best for Oxford and its residents. Leaders who value impartiality, honesty, and clarity. 

Mr. Temple says he has a proven record. But it’s a record of giving voters only half the story. He brags about a $1‑million surplus. If I’m not mistaken, the surplus consists of proceeds from the oil-spill settlement and a tax sale — he’s done nothing to rein in spending. In fact, spending is up 6 percent over last year, the most in at least six years. 

The mill rate has actually climbed at twice the rate of inflation on his watch. He takes credit for extending the hours at Town Hall and the Senior Center. But he’s done nothing to ensure that those buildings are adequately staffed five days a week. 

Mr. Temple also wonders whether I would spend a few nights in public works during weather disasters.” Of course. He also wonders whether I would give out my cell phone number. It’s 917 – 951-5430. 

I welcome calls from anyone who wants to talk about my vision and about the dedicated professionals who are running with me.

The writer is running as a Democrat for Oxford First Selectman. The Valley Indy welcomes columns from political candidates of no more than 500 words.

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