Buy a hot dog, save the Derby fireworks.
That’s the theme Saturday at Adams Super Food Mart at 656 New Haven Ave., where city firefighters will be selling hot dogs and showing off fire trucks in an effort to raise money for the annual city fireworks show.
The July 4 fireworks cost about $11,500. It’s a price tag city officials said they can no longer afford.
The firefighters’ are stepping up to raise money. City officials are also lobbying Derby merchants for donations as well.
The firefighters will be at Adams Saturday (May 1) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s the first of several fundraisers the firefighters have organized.
It is the first of several fireworks fundraisers Derby firefighters are organizing this month.
Curtiss asked for and received permission from Derby politicians for the fundraiser earlier this month.
Curtiss’ comments to the elected officials about the fire department’s efforts were clear and concise.
They may not raise all the money needed, but they’re going to try like heck, he said.
Curtiss said the management and staff have been extremely helpful by opening their property to the fire department.
“They’re pro-community,” Curtiss said at the Aldermen meeting. “They are very good.”
The firefighters are also planning to have a dunk booth at Derby Day to raise money for the fireworks.
“There’s probably some Democrats who might want to throw at you,” Curtiss said, joking, to Mayor Anthony Staffieri.
The fireworks cost about $11,500. So far about $3,000 has been raised.
Curtiss said he thinks the firefighters can raise another $3,5000 during the month of May.
Staffieri didn’t answer whether the city would kick in the rest, but noted city staff have been talking to merchants.
“I have confidence it is going to get done,” Staffieri said.
Other dates for fundraisers at Adams are as follows:
May 8, 2010
May 15, 2010
May 22, 2010