Help The Ansonia High School Parent Teacher Organization

The AHS Parent Teacher Student Organization of Ansonia High School is planning the Post Prom Event for 2014. 

Our goal is to provide a safe, fun filled, alcohol and drug free environment for our senior students and their dates to enjoy the hours following the Prom in May.

We are hosting an art auction Saturday, Nov. 23 at St. Sebastian’s.

Come have a fun night with friends, bid on, and bring home, some Holiday Gifts. Art, Sports Memorabilia etc. 

Folks can also order online by clicking here and check out with code 64083.

Tickets are $10, and you can request items you would like to see at the auction when you purchase your ticket. 

All ticket profits go to the Ansonia Post Prom at the Rinks in Shelton and a percentage of all sales go to the Post Prom as well.

Check out the flier below for more details.

Ans Art Auction

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