Are you having a problem at your polling place?

You can keep your neighbors and key public officials informed about voting irregularities by publicly documenting them in real time here with SeeClickFix and CTNewsJunkie.

The map at the bottom of this post is designed to help you report problems experienced during voting. It is not a way to report life-threatening emergencies — just problems casting your ballot.

Click on Report an Issue” and drag the marker to the rough location of your polling place in your town, and then click Report Here” to fill out the form.

The address does not need to be exact, but be sure to list the name of your polling place in your report.

Do not include your personal information in your report unless you are OK with that information being published on the Internet and visible to readers here.

For information on Connecticut’s voting identification requirements, click here.

Click here for the Voter’s Bill of Rights.

For Spanish language forms and voting requirements for people with disabilities, click here.

Remember, if for some reason your name was omitted from the list of registered voters in your town, request a provisional ballot and vote before you leave your polling place.

If you would like to contact the Secretary of the State Denise Merrill’s office directly about your problem, you can call 860 – 509-6100 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

The Secretary’s office will be monitoring issues reported here.

If you feel you have spoken to everyone available at your polling place and still need to file a formal complaint, notify the moderator at your polling place, and then call Elections Enforcement at 866 – 733-2463 (Press 1 or stay on the line).

The U.S. Dept. of Justice can be reached at 1 – 800-253‑3931.

When you report an issue below, include your first name, polling place, and any or all of the following keywords in your report to be sure it gets through to the right people: voting vote polling place” election day” poll election ballot ballots missing ballots” missing ballot”

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