Historical Document Presentation At Derby Historical Society

SRH-MS Regent Jeaneen Buchanan welcomes guests to David Humphreys home at the Derby Historical Society.

DERBY — The Derby Historical Society on Elm Street in Ansonia was the site of the presentation of 70 Revolutionary War era deeds, declarations and dispatches preserved by Margaret Tucker Monnie. 

Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter Regent Jeaneen Buchanan was contacted by Lucinda Tomko, an Illinois DAR member and Margaret Monnie’s niece who, with her uncle William M. Monnie, donated 70 Revolutionary War era deeds, declarations and dispatches to the Derby Historical Society. Lucinda Tomko also created a database indexing these documents for further research. Regent Buchanan expressed her appreciation in bringing these Revolutionary War documents of Reuben Tucker to the Derby Historical Society.

Margaret Tucker Monnie’s niece, Lucinda Tomko, gave a powerpoint summary of what is included in those historical documents. Also Ms. Tomko, over several months, digitized these archives making this donation a great collection of primary source documents for both genealogists and historians.

SRH-MS Chapter Regent Jeaneen Buchanan presented William M. Monnie with the DAR America250! Commendation.

The main rooms in the David Humphreys house were crowded with dignitaries, DAR and SAR members. Ms. Tomko requested that the Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, NSDAR partner with the Derby Historical Society in this presentation. Jeaneen Buchanan, Regent of the SRH-MS Chapter, the master of ceremonies, welcomed everyone on this historic occasion.

Regent Buchanan stated the Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, NSDAR has made it a mission to raise awareness of patriots who supported the cause of liberty during the American Revolutionary War through their Chapter’s 250! Committee. She then presented William M. Monnie with the prestigious DAR America 250! Commendation and Certificate in recognition of his extraordinary efforts in bringing these Revolutionary War documents to the public. The donation of these documents is a valuable resource to learn about how the Revolution affected those living in and around Derby.

The United States will be celebrating our nation’s 250th birthday of achieving American Independence due to the courage, sacrifice, and commitment of our Patriots. The historical document collection provides first-hand accounts of Reuben Tucker and his contemporaries who lived in Derby at that time. Reuben Tucker was just such a patriot and these documents bear evidence of his service to America 246 years ago.

DAR members come from a variety of backgrounds and interests, but all share a common bond of having an ancestor who helped contribute to securing the independence of the United States of America. Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible to join. The DAR is a non-profit women’s service organization dedicated to historic preservation, education and patriotism. For more information about our chapter visit http://www.sarahriggshumphreysDAR.org

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution asks everyone to celebrate the 250th Birthday of the United States of America and the Patriots that achieved American Independence. For more information visit https://honoringourpatriots.dar.org/

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