We asked our readers on Facebook to provide us with information on any holiday happenings happening between now and the end of the year.

Here’s the list!

If your event is not on here, you should seriously consider getting someone else to handle publicity for your event, because the Valley Indy can’t make it any easier!

For the love of Rudolph, we have a self-serve, free calendar where you can post away.

Here are directions on how to use the calendar.

If the calendar is too scary, you can also e‑mail Eugene Driscoll to add your event to the list below. 

Please present the info in the format used below.

And, please consider supporting truly local journalism by either taking out an advertisement on the Flyerboard on the right side of the home page, or make a donation here.


Cool Lights
In Seymour, there’s a great display of Christmas lights at 176 Mountain Road. Click here for the Facebook page.

Holiday in Connecticut”
Ongoing until Saturday, Dec. 21
Thursday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday Dec. 6, 13 and 20, 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for twilight tours”

Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) will host a holiday celebration at the Osborne Homestead Museum.
The museum will be magnificently decorated to the theme of Holiday in Connecticut.”
The décor will reflect Connecticut’s agricultural and literary achievements and technological and culinary innovations.
Upon entering the museum, visitors will see and learn about Connecticut firsts” and view rooms lavishly decorated in brass, silver, and silk highlighting the time when the state was the leader in textiles and metals manufacturing.

The Osborne Homestead Museum exhibits the fine art and antiques of Frances Osborne Kellogg, who was a prominent figure in the dairy and manufacturing industries.
As they have done for more than twenty years, volunteers will create the beautiful holiday decorations.
The talented and committed volunteers represent the Derby Garden Society, the Garden Club of Orange, the Naugatuck Garden Club, Olde Ripton Garden Club of Shelton, the Oxford Garden Club, the Pomperaug Valley Garden Club of Woodbury, the Roxbury/Bridgewater Garden Club, the Southbury Garden Club, and Ye Olde Kellogg Garden Club.
To register or to get more information, please call (203) 734‑2513 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Admission to Holiday in Connecticut” is FREE and donations are accepted.
Osborne Homestead Museum
500 Hawthorne Avenue

Holiday Crafts”
Friday, Dec. 20
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Families will enjoy a fun filled night with great Arts & Crafts projects for all to enjoy followed by a family swim at 7:30 p.m.
Bring your bathing suits!
Cost: Free for Facility Members, $5 for Community Members
Valley YMCA
12 State St.
203 736 1435

A Center Stage Christmas
Fridays and Saturdays Dec. 6 through Dec. 21 at 8 p.m.
Sunday Matinees Dec. 22 at 2 p.m.
Dec. 19 at 7 p.m.
Celebrate Christmas the Center Stage way with Francesca Scarpa and a cast of performers from our Center Stage family.
A Center Stage Christmas transports you to our living room as we bring you the traditional and heartwarming Christmas songs that make the season happy and holy. Our annual Christmas production is our Yuletide gift to you!
Click here for more info. 
Center Stage
54 Grove St.

Alternative Christmas Fair
Saturday, Dec. 21
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Reclaim the Meaning of the Holiday Season and the Joy of Giving Gifts that Really Matter!
•Fair-Trade Craft Items form Ten Thousand Villages”
•Jewelry From Bead for Life”
•Gifts that Honor Loved Ones: Food for the Hungry, Medical Care, Education, Environmental and More!
Huntington United Methodist Church
338 Walnut Tree Hill Road Shelton
203 – 929-5545
Admission: Free

Naugatuck Community Band Holiday Concert
Saturday, Dec. 21
7 p.m.
Sponsored by the Seymour Culture and Arts Commission
The performance is free to the public, but those attending are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for the local Food Bank.
Strand Theater
165 Main St.
(203) 881‑5025

Echo Hose Popcorn Ball Saturday
Saturday, Dec. 21
Starts around 12 p.m.
Santa on a fire truck tossing popcorn balls for the kiddies
Downtown fire district

A Christmas Carol
Sunday, Dec. 22
1 p.m.
The Valley Shakespeare Festival and Shelton Historical Society will present a staged reading of the beloved Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol.”
Each event will commence with a reception of seasonal baked goods and beverages followed by a dramatic reading of the all-time favorite tale of redemption and the true meaning of Christmas.
Click here for more info and tickets ($10 adults, $5 children/students):
Wilson Barn
Shelton Historical Society
70 Ripton Road

Great Hill Hose Company Popcorn Ball Candy Cane Sunday
Sunday, Dec. 22
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
When you hear the sirens, come out and greet the firefighters.

Ansonia Popcorn Ball Sunday
Sunday, Dec. 22
All day, all over Ansonia
The city’s volunteer firefighters travel the city with Santa, dropping popcorn ball goodies from a truck!

Derby Popcorn Ball Sunday
Sunday, Dec. 22
The Storm Engine Company does popcorn ball Sunday starting at 10:30 a.m. on the great city of Derby’s west side.

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