Ansonia High School Human Relations Club sponsored an intergenerational Hawaiian holiday program on Thursday night (April 4), however this year, the club did something different.
Nick Collicelli said, “This is my fifth year doing this and it’s a significant one because students from Derby Middle and High School are here, along with seniors from Derby and Ansonia.”
Collicelli is the advisor to the Human Relations Club at Ansonia High and puts on yearly intergenerational events with the club.
In the past the Human Relations Club hosted other intergenerational events like ice cream socials, and themed dinners. But the reach was only centered in Ansonia. This year the club organized a Hawaiian holiday show to entertain the visiting seniors citizens from Ansonia’s Doyle Senior Center and the Derby Senior Center.
The Valley Community Foundation helped sponsor the event, said Collicelli.
The Hawaiian talent featured Tiare Kahana and friends. Intergenerational officer of the Human Relations Club, Karalyn Meineke said, “We found them through Connecticut Arts For Learning, they had the most interesting and interactive program from all the ones we saw.”
Meineke said the Humans Relations Club has been organizing the event since November of 2012 and said she is finally happy to see it come to fruition.
“I really believe in the club and what it stands for,” Meineke said. “I love the interaction between the students and seniors and hearing their stories of Ansonia and Derby.”
Carol Merlone, Superintendent of Ansonia Public Schools, said she is proud of the Human Relations Club and all their work with integrating generations and different school systems.
“It’s a phenomenal club and Mr. Collicelli really develops the students to be leaders and reduce prejudice,” Merlone said. “It’s really great to see the students interact with the elderly in the intergenerational program.”
Derby Middle School 7th grade science teacher, Rozina Jaser, said she couldn’t be happier to be part of this program at Ansonia High.
“We’re so excited to integrate our students in the community,” Jasor said. “It’s great to teach through expression, than in a typical classroom setting.”
The Hawaiian entertainment, Tiare Kahana, shared lessons on the Hawaiian culture and how to properly hula dance. Students were bought up for a hula lesson, which followed with a macarena dance around the gym.
Though many seniors were reluctant, some still participated in hula dancing as well. The final act was done by The Chief, where he practiced a traditional dance with a flamed lit torch.
“I thought it was wonderful,” Mary Blewett of Ansonia said. “I’ve never been to Hawaii, but it was a really nice performance.”
Blewett attended the Hawaiian holiday with her husband Bill and said they enjoyed learning about the Hawaiian culture and seeing a traditional dance. Along with sharing interactions with the students, she said it made for a good night.
Ashley Adams, junior at Ansonia high said it’s her first year in the Human Relations Club.
“This is my second program since I’ve been in the club,” she said. “It’s good to see familiar faces and for them (senior citizens) to come out and take part in the events again.”
Click below to see a photo gallery from the event.