In light of the recent events and concerning the news of a possible major mill rate increase for beleaguered Derby taxpayers, one can’t help but ask the question: Where is the Mayor?
In recent articles multiple city officials were quoted concerning the apparent “double booking: of state education funds for our student’s education. However, there is one glaring omission: nothing from the Mayor of our city.
This not only raises concerns about his knowledge of and focus on the city’s issues but leads to a few more questions.
Is he present and full time as promised?
Is he actually running the city and if not who is? This funding scandal not only effects the tax payers but the education of our students.
Can city hall assure the residents that they will hear the truth as to why this happened?
Will the Mayor hold himself accountable for not being there to catch this enormous fiscal problem?
If our elected Mayor, who is being paid by Derby taxpayers to lead, is not leading nor engaged on the day to day activities of the city how can we as residents be confident he’s even paying attention to us?
Mayor Dziekan: We need some answers.
Aniello Malerba
The writer is the chairman of the Derby Town Democratic Committee.