That’s right our fellow Americans, it’s Election Day. It’s time to turn your carefully worded political manifesto on your Facebook profile into action by leaving your home and casting a vote.

Not sure where to do that? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Click here to find your polling place.

Polls close at 8 p.m.

Nervous about looking goofy if you stumble at the polls while filling out your ballot? Don’t be — everyone’s as confused as you.

That’s why the Valley Indy published ballots for each of the towns we cover.

Click here for Ansonia.

Click here for Derby. They have three ballots, by the way, because, after a recent redistricting, part of Derby will now be covered by the 105th General Assembly District (either Len Greene, Jr. or Theresa Conroy).

Click here for Oxford.

Click here for Seymour.

Click here for Shelton.

State Races

Now, in addition to the federal races — Obama vs. Romney, McMahon vs. Murphy, DeLauro vs. Winsley — there are a number of state seats up for grabs.

The Valley Indy published handy cheat sheets” for the contested races containing links to news articles on the candidates.

Here we go:

Greene v Conroy

Klarides v Hynes

Crisco v Szewczyk

Perillo v Matto

Kane v Gambardella

Gentile v Porter

Local Questions

So those are the state races. Yet on this Election Day, there is even more to decide.

Seymour and especially Shelton have a number of items are seeking approval from voters on a number of items. Click here for a condensed version of the items on the Shelton ballot or read on for more info.

Seymour Charter

In Seymour, the town is proposing a number of changes to its charter. A town charter acts acts as the official rule book for how a local government is organized and functions.

The town sent out an official press release Monday explaining the changes being proposed to its charter. You can click here to read it.

In addition, the Valley Indy, using information from the town’s website, compiled a more detailed explanation of the proposed charter changes — and we embedded meeting video shot by Seymour resident Frank Loda. Click here to read more about the changes proposed in Seymour.

Shelton Questions

In Shelton, the city is also asking residents to approve changes to its charter. 

You can learn of the changes yourself by clicking this hyperlink.

You can read about why you should approve these changes by reading this guest column from a member of the city commission that drafted the changes. The full commission sent a letter late Monday night urging people to support the changes.

You can read a column in opposition to the Shelton charter changes by clicking here.

In addition to changing its charter, Shelton is also asking residents for permission to borrow money to make a number of improvements to the city.

$5 Million For Roads

Click here to read about how the town wants to use $5 million to rehabilitate about 53 miles of roads.

$3.5 Million For The Fire Department

In addition, Shelton wants to spend $3.5 million to invest in equipment for the city’s volunteer fire department. 

The $3.5 million would go toward funding the department’s six-year capital improvement plan, which would include the purchase of four new fire trucks — two engine/quints and two rescue trucks.

Those new vehicles would replace six aging pieces of fire apparatus, including one truck that dates to 1977. The quints” are multi-purpose trucks.

Each of the city’s four volunteer fire companies would get one of the four new vehicles.

Click here for more information from a previous story.

The department’s capital plan for 2012 – 2013 also calls for the replacement of a sixth of its structural fire gear, installation of better air filling stations at Echo Hose Hook and Ladder Co. 1, some new command vehicles, computer upgrades, and a security key system for all four fire companies.

$1.4 For The Shelton Animal Shelter

The city is looking to make major upgrades to its dilapidated animal shelter. 

The Shelton Animal Shelter Building Committee gave elected officials an overview of improvements planned for the shelter in September.

Click here for a complete report from the Valley Indy.

$1 Million For Canal Street Reconstruction

A $1 million question for the reconstruction of Canal Street is also on the ballot to help the protracted development of the Canal Street area downtown.

In addition to paving, the city has to perform a full-depth reconstruction” to replace utilities dating back to the 1800s.

The money would also pay for improvements to sidewalks, streetscaping, and lighting which would help the road serve a wider population. 

Click here for a complete report from the Valley Indy.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

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