Joe Biden Wins The Presidency: The Valley Reacts

Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden (left) and Donald Trump (right).

Joe Biden was projected to win the U.S. presidency Saturday, according to stories and broadcasts from The Associated Press, Fox News, NBC News, CNN, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.

The news will make U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice-president elect, the first female (and the first female of color) to hold the position.

President Trump accused the national media of helping Biden to appear as a false winner” and said his campaign would go to court.

At about 12 p.m. Saturday The Valley Indy used social media to ask readers for their reactions.

Here are some of the local reactions to the Biden/Kamala Harris win as of 1:15 p.m. A rundown of the Trump-Biden matchup in the Valley follows the comments.

Tim Stobierski
A big ol’ sigh of relief

Cheryl Hayden Young
There goes the economy

Patricia Emily Rimkunas
hope everyone enjoys paying higher taxes and 6.00 a gallon for gas

Sean Clancy
look at a history book. Since 1900, Democratic presidents salvaged and enhanced the economy after disastrous Republican administrations.

Emory Thompson
Thank God. Sanity, the educated, and people of color spoke against the forces of regression, idiocy, misogyny, and hate.

Kevin Mackowski
Call a new vote, in-person only with ID. Then we shall see.

Melissa Chase Friedman
Ugly crying tears of joy

Trish Wigglesworth

Jody Bishel
Relief! Now on to actually get COVID19 under control and build better.

Brian Gallo
Oh was there one of those election thingies people whine about back and forth?

Donald Simmons
Sad to think a man who’s been in office 3+ years is the problem & the man who’s been in office 47 years is the solution & by sad I mean stupid.

Kathryn A. Pantaleo
Oh Thank GOD!!

Ruthann Haluschak
There are states still counting. Some locations are going for recounts, then there’s the litigation. This isn’t even over and the results aren’t certified. He is not the president by a long shot.

Robert Pettinella
All Lies.

Susan Wall Wildman
NEWSORGANIZATIONS do not determine who the next President is. LEGAL votes do.

Victoria Lee Clifford
As I just posted on another post. Biden will only be President for 2 months, he will be found mentally incompetent to fill the term and Ms. Harris will become the first woman of the united states. I’ll bet a box of DD on it.

Camille Bargo Rainey
He’s not my president!

Paul Stefano
The question now is what becomes of Trumpism? Does it fade into memory or does it foment and breed more hate from the right?
I don’t expect a peaceful transition however. But as someone said the White House has enough security to remove trespassers.
Welcome Madame Vice President.

Mark Adams
What’s the over/under on when Biden steps down” due to DNC suggestion’ for Harris to lead?
I say year 3 into his term, so Harris runs as the incumbent for 2024.

Marilyn Jeff Locke
I am thrilled. Finally a real president.

John Erlingheuser

Franklyn-Dean Gandiaga
Look at the big picture. Dems spent bank and flipping the Senate doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, plus seats were lost in the House (still hold majority). Not sure how many court vacancies there will be, but a lot of appeal court judges were appointed (never mind the SC), (there’s 66 vacancies (3 more before 1/21/2021), with 41 nominations pending). There will be gridlock and every EO will be challenged. CNN and MSNBC ratings will plummet resulting in mass layoffs

Debra Jean

Amanda Fenton
As a George W Bush, John McCain voting Republican, I approve this next president.

Adrianne Marie
Amanda Fenton agreed. Never voted for a democrat before but you can call me a Biden Republican” any day of the week!!!

Mardi Kane

Adam DeClement
You’re going to have a lot of small business fail between this clown and Lamont. Hope everyone’s jobs are safe if not you get what you vote for

George O’Mara
Rest in Peace USA
1776 – 2020

Jenn Bosques
God bless America.

Gail Tyler Florence
Thank God that dictator want to be is going to have to get out of there.

Mary Ann Carrano
It’s all downhill from now on !

Jennifer Glass Petrovich
We are screwed…. people better plan accordingly.

Jonathan Zabin
Our National Nightmare is Over

The Presidential Election In The Valley

Unofficial results posted on the Secretary of State’s Office show Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris won Connecticut by a large margin on Election Day (Nov. 3), receiving 59 percent of the vote compared to the 39 percent awarded to President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

It was a different story Tuesday in the Valley, though.

Trump-Pence won the Valley (for purposes of this article, Beacon Falls, Derby, Naugatuck, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton) with 53 percent of the vote compared to the 46 percent awarded to Biden-Harris (the Secretary of State’s website notes the results are unofficial and might not include all absentee ballots).

However, Trump’s performance was down from 2016, when he garnered 61 percent of the vote compared to Hillary Clinton’s 38.7 percent.

Trump’s total vote tally in the Valley increased 6.5 percent (2,420 votes) from 2016. Meanwhile, Biden’s Valley vote tally increased 45 percent (11,564 votes) compared to Hillary Clinton’s vote tally in 2016.

Trump lost two Valley cities he won in 2016: Ansonia, Derby.

On Tuesday Trump carried Beacon Falls, Naugatuck, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton.

Here is the breakdown of the 2020 Nov. 3 U.S. Presidential race locally. The results were still unofficial as of Nov. 7.

Biden: 4,521 votes, or 53.7 percent
Trump: 3,797 or 45.1 percent
Note: Trump won Ansonia in 2016 with 48.4 percent of the vote

Biden: 1,543 or 40.5 percent
Trump: 2,191 or 57.6 percent
Note: In 2016 Trump won Beacon Falls with 60 percent of the vote.

Biden: 2,963 or 51.2 percent
Trump: 2,749 or 47.5 percent
Note: In 2016 Trump won Derby with 51.4 percent of the vote.

Biden: 6,923 or 46.4 percent
Trump: 7,740 or 51.9 percent
Note: In 2016 Trump won Naugatuck with 55.4 percent of the vote.

Biden: 3,269 or 38.4 percent
Trump: 5,118 or 60.1 percent
Note: In 2016 Trump won Oxford with 63.8 percent of the vote.

Biden: 4,011 or 42.7 percent
Trump: 5,242 or 55.8 percent
Note: In 2016 Trump won Seymour with 58.7 percent of the vote.

Biden: 10,837 or 45.3 percent
Trump: 12,747 or 53.3 percent
Note: In 2016, Trump won Shelton with 57.7 of the vote.

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