Editor’s note: Lois Knapton, Derby’s director of special education, is volunteering in Kenya. She’ll be sharing updates with the Valley Indy. Her second installment is below.
May 29, 2012
Ok, SO, I feel like I am trying to make chocolate chip cookies by starting with grinding the flour.
I have been in Nairobi for four days, two at work.
Talk about a culture shock … not to mention the large monkey running along the stone wall outside the house.
I am so glad I do not have to cook or clean, but that means I eat what is offered. Breakfast was bread, peanut butter, (but nothing like peanut butter from America), bananas, hot milk and ground meal. Lunch was kale, ugali ( a mix between rice and mashed potatoes, but very thick), mystery meat stew with potatoes and dinner was ugali, kale, rice and fish.
Thankfully, I am rationing my chocolate!
Back to the chocolate chip cookies. I am working with a social worker over here trying to develop a sustainable system of referral and assessment for students with special needs.
With no laws to guide the process, I am pulling from American federal laws, IDEA, and my background in special education to shape this Kenyan system.
Let’s see what day three brings!
Note: Knapton completed her work year at the school district before leaving for this volunteer service.