The following information is from Bill Purcell of the Great Valley Chamber of Commerce:
Dear Chamber Members & Friends,
Love your Neighbor, Say Your Prayers, Wash Your Hands
Pastor Lucille L. Fritz, Huntington Congregational Church
Last evening at the half-point of my daily run, I passed through the beautiful Huntington Green in Shelton where I spotted this quote outside the Congregational Church. As all of us struggle to sustain our businesses/organizations, protect the livelihood of our employees and care for our families, please know that your Chamber stands ready to support you in any way possible.
Over the past week, your Chamber team has participated in a variety of teleconferences about some of the resources available to our business members, and wanted to share the following information with you.
Statewide Business Survey Underway
Please take a few minutes to participate in a Statewide survey of businesses, both large and small, developed by the Connecticut Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) in partnership with Advance CT and CBIA.
The goal of this survey is to provide feedback to the State and Policymakers regarding how Connecticut businesses are responding to the COVID- 19 crisis. The results will help State officials to track business sentiment and prioritizes initiatives over the coming weeks and months
Click here to take the survey.
Conference Call with the Governor and DECD Commissioner
Please join us on a Conference Call with Governor Ned Lamont and DECD Commissioner David Lehman Thursday, March 19th from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. On this call they will share how the state is responding to the economic dimensions of this crisis.
To join the call:
Dial in: 1 – 888-456‑0356
Passcode: 2802806#