Learn About Earned Income Tax Credits

Tax season is here and many people may not be aware that they qualify for Earned Income Tax Credits. 

This tax refund is available to working families (earning less than $51,000) allowing them to reduce debt, save for the future or invest in a home or education. 

Free volunteer tax help is available with the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program, a nationwide initiative, offering families a free and easy way to access refunds and tax credits. 

VITA provides free electronic filing for federal and state tax returns. 

Taxes are prepared by IRS-certified volunteer tax preparers who will ensure that a taxpayer will get all the tax credits and deductions they are qualified to claim.

For more information about earning this tax credit, filing taxes and claiming refunds, such as federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) contact one of the following local sites for a free appointment with a VITA volunteer: 

TEAM, Inc. 30, Elizabeth Street, Derby, and Derby Neck Library: by appointment only call 203 736 5420 Ă— 220 between now and April 14. 

  • Plumb Memorial Library: walk-in program, on Tuesdays (1pm-4pm) and Saturdays (9am-1pm)
  • Huntington Branch Library: walk-in program on Wednesdays (5:30pm to 7:30pm) from February 6‑April 13

For all walk-in programs, please bring prior year’s tax return and all supporting documents for the 2012 tax year.

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