Letter: Ansonia Alderman Says State Rep Took Too Much Credit

Back when I attended Derby High School, plagiarism was considered a serious offense. Taking credit for someone else’s work is never acceptable.

That’s why I am writing to set the record straight about State Representative Kara Rochelle.

Her attempt to take political credit for the $6.5 million in State funding that Ansonia was awarded for the revitalization of empty factory space downtown is entirely disingenuous.

While funding from our State partners is critical to the success of the project, the heavy lifting was done by City officials with the vision and confidence to move forward with the acquisition of 60 acres of contaminated property – a step most other City’s would have run away from.

Without the determination of City officials like Mayor Cassetti and my fellow Ansonia Board of Aldermen members, there would be no project to fund in the first place.

And that’s saying nothing about the grant application written and submitted by Sheila O’Malley.

Yet Ms. Rochelle’s recent press releases minimize the role of the City of Ansonia in the project, or otherwise leave out Mayor Cassetti and the Aldermen entirely.

That’s what I call plagiarism, and in the over two decades I have been an Alderman (in Ansonia and Derby) I’ve never seen anything like it.

Resident’s also need to know that Ms. Rochelle was no supporter of this critical project and opposed the City’s decision to take ownership of the Copper and Brass property. This is an important point, as the City would not be eligible for funding if it did not embark on a path to ownership.

How do I know this? Because I was contacted by Representative Rochelle before the Board of Aldermen voted to move forward with the acquisition of the property in March of 2021.

Representative Rochelle told me that the City’s decision to acquire the Property was a Bad move. Very bad move” and that This needs to get flagged.” She later urged me and my fellow Democratic aldermen to vote against the acquisition of the property.

It was only after the vote that I realized Ms. Rochelle’s recommendation was a maneuver designed to prevent Ansonia from moving forward with the revitalization of Ansonia Copper and Brass, and to create an obstacle for Mayor Cassetti.

Subsequently, I publicly rescinded my vote against the acquisition.

I am thankful for the efforts of the State – Democrats and Republicans— to recognize the need to restore over 60 acres of downtown property to productive use.

However, I cannot stand by and watch our State Representative takes complete credit for the work of others.

Alderman Joseph J. Jeanette

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