When it comes to good governance, there may be debate with regard to certain policies or strategies on how to best govern, but something that nobody should disagree on is that our representatives must at least show up.
Unfortunately for the residents of the 7th Ward in Ansonia the two Aldermen on the Republican ticket slated to represent them have significant attendance challenges.
Alderman Blackwell has failed to to attend approximately 40% of the meetings held by the Board of Aldermen, and failed to attend all but one of the budget meetings this year.
Candidate DeLibero is a full-time undergraduate college student enrolled at Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic, Connecticut, which will make active attendance difficult to say the least.
The residents of the 7th Ward of Ansonia should be seriously concerned about whether the needs of their neighborhoods and their ward can be met when the sitting alderman has missed 40% of monthly meetings and the other candidate running for alderman with the Republicans will not reside in the City of Ansonia.
We have have laid out many ideas on stabilizing taxes, growing the economy, and supporting city services, but most of all you can count on us to show up.
Steven Erlingheuser and Paul Lucuk
Candidates for Ansonia Board of Aldermen
Ward 7
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