Call me confused.
It’s 2019 and the Ansonia Democrats are running a mayoral candidate that has referred to immigrants as disease carrying invaders, and who made the front page of the Hartford Courant red faced and shouting expletives at a peaceful protestor. A young kid whose only offense was silently holding a sign reading ​“Ballots Not Bullets.”
Call me very confused.
I understand there are young politicians in our city that want to win at all costs. It’s clear on Facebook that they are willing to smear and destroy every scrap of good news in the hopes of hurting the popularity of Mayor Cassetti and his team.
But I don’t think anyone expected them to smear and destroy their own reputation by nominating a candidate that scrapes the bottom of the barrel in terms of fitness for the job of Mayor.
Put the politics aside, because I’m admittedly not the most liberal guy. I’m a registered unaffiliated, and I often vote Republican.
But I don’t scream and swear at kids who are looking for attention. I don’t refer to other people as ​“disease carriers” and ​“invaders” even if I do support stronger borders.
So I’m confused as to why the entire Democratic Party has decided to enthusiastically nominate this sort of person to lead our community. Your saying he would make a good mayor? A good role model?
I figure it’s either a case of having the wrong principles, or just having no principles at all.
The writer lives in Ansonia.
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