Letter: Democrats Are The Last People I Would Vote For To Move The Country Forward

To the Editor:

As a long term Democrat and supporter of many Democrat policies, I need to express sincere concerns for the direction in which the party attempts to go.

I follow politics regularly, I see, hear and read conflicting political statements regarding policies which fail to take into account ordinary American lives under the ever burgeoning policies proposed and admitted into law under the Biden administration.

My comment is succinct: The Biden administration pursues policies inimical to the security and growth of the nation. Regulations restrict the length of my comments, but the forthcoming policies on economic policy, lack of immigration control and inflation /recession control cause me to say that Democrats are the last people for whom I would vote to move America forward.

Democrats have lost their historical identity; I have not. I reject all their current lack of respect for the past and their unwillingness to accept that the Democrat base is not the the extremism the current ​“progressives” would have the general public believe.

James Garofolo

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