To the editor:
For two meetings now the Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen (BoAA) have failed to do their work to be prepared for their meetings, and as a result, they showed up unprepared to act on items important to move Derby forward.
Mayor Dziekan promised to introduce new legislation to crack down on violations of our zoning, building, and fire safety laws by slumlords and those less reputable in our community who ignore our laws in favor of the almighty dollar. Faithful to his promise, he’s done just that!
In fulfillment of that promise, months ago, Zeke introduced tougher legislation before the BoAA that raised or instituted penalties where surprisingly there were none, created enforcement processes where they were either lacking or inefficient, and established, improved, or empowered better enforcement. He did this by rewriting the necessary ordinances and providing the BoAA with entirely new sections to replace the old ones.
What was the BoAA’s response when presented with these replacement ordinances?
In October they complained they weren’t provided the originals and postponed action. They could have looked them up on the city website if they were at all interested in doing the work necessary to carry out their elective office. They didn’t.
In November when provided with a copy of the old ordinances and the new replacements, they failed to act again asking for the red-line editions, which show any and every word changed. How ridiculous! They had the old and new sitting in front of them. If they wanted to carry out the duties they were elected to they had everything they needed to act. Instead, once again they did nothing!
These are reasonable, sensible changes to our laws that improve our city, changes that reasonable and sensible people would have approved long ago. How long will the ​“do nothing” Democrats put politics in front of progress to block Mayor Dziekan from moving Derby forward?
Michael Alberta
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