DERBY — There’s virtually no one who likes change. I get it. But change, in life, is inevitable. Walt Mayhew was recommended by Drew Baklik my former Chief of Staff as the person I should choose to replace him, based upon Walt’s outstanding experience in business and knowledge of city government to enact change and help me run this city even more like the nearly $50 million business that it is.
Walt’s business career with 25+ years in financial software development, having run his own computer consulting company and having served for 18 years as the President of the Board of Directors for a local non-profit give him the ability to do just that. Having been elected by the voters of Derby seven times to serve as a member of the Tax Board, Aldermen, Board of Education, and Treasurer, and his knowledge of Derby City Government is second to none.
Walt’s business experience and knowledge of city government has already saved the city tens of thousands of dollars. Additionally, his work with me on the city budget produced a zero-tax increase. With his assistance, I hope to stabilize the mill rate and do that again.
As my Chief of Staff, he follows my directives. He does his homework. He researches and investigates various options and approaches. Then he presents the advantages and disadvantages like any good business manager would. Then once I provide direction, he carries it out to the letter and strenuously defends it against all opponents. When my political opponents decided in December to continue in campaign mode, focusing on winning elections to come, instead of returning to a governing mode and focusing on doing what’s best to move Derby forward, I decided his first task would be to re-evaluate how we did business. He did his research and was told by the Corporation Counsel that the tail was wagging the dog and that the Aldermen had grossly exceeded their charge. Departments report to the Mayor not the Aldermen. The Mayor ran the meetings, set the agenda, and appointed the committees. So, I directed him to make those changes and he has.
He has helped numerous constituents deal with a variety of issues that have resulted in very positive feedback. In fact, to date, I have yet to receive a single complaint about his efforts on behalf of residents who have called my office. Contrary to the rhetoric that has been “manufactured“ by my political opponents he is not only well respected and likely by those he has assisted, but by many people in city hall who work for him and by two union presidents as well.
Character assassination, personal vendettas/attacks, and the spread of malicious rumors and innuendo represent the dark underbelly of politics to which some are more than willing to stoop when they don’t get what they want whether that’s power, better funding for their cause, or as a result of the loss of an election. I am thankful that there are good people, like Walt, who won’t let such tactics deter them from helping me accomplish my mission of continuing to move Derby forward.
Richard Dziekan
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