Letter: Dziekan Campaign Takes Issue With Opponent’s Mailer

Dear Editor,

The Dziekan Campaign has been running on facts and a positive record of delivering for Derby. This is in stark contrast to the recent literature mailed by Brian for Derby 2019. It’s fair game to have a different vision for Derby’s future and promote it, but to flat out distort, tell half-truths and make false claims are political tricks that have no place here. Allow me to correct a few of these.

The mismanagement” mentioned on a front page cartoon is false. Mayor Dziekan’s administration discovered issues from the prior administration and not only made them public but found a quick turn-around solution in the 8‑Point plan. 

Another claim is City Facing Brink of Bankruptcy.” This is simply untrue as evidenced by Derby’s A+ bond rating. Money isn’t loaned to cities that are failing financially.

Then we have Flatlined Grand List Growth.” In fact the Grand List is up $4 Million from when the Mayor was sworn in.

Finally we read that there is continued lack of development on Main Street.” Extensive work with the Army Corp of Engineers on our levees, needed changes to zoning rules, and a host of other legal back office” work has been accomplished to allow for future development. It’s also worth mentioning the Derby Downtown Development Group is coming to Planning & Zoning next month with a proposal for 200 residential apartments and 80 more are being presented by Lifetouch. 

The only thing lacking seems to be Brian for Derby 2019’s understanding of how development gets done.

Campaigns are about informing voters of what has been done and what’s ahead. What the Dziekan team has done for the past two years is impressive both in volume and the long term positive impact on Derby. We lay out facts, not spin. Many issues raised in the audit and S & P Global Rating Report have already been addressed. 

There will be changes to long-standing practices – all for the better. Mayor Dziekan meets challenges head on, even when there is political risk, because that’s what quality leaders do. Re-elect Mayor Dziekan.

Chuck Pyne
Campaign Manager
RD19 (Re-elect Mayor Dziekan)

Click here to read The Valley Indy’s policy on letters to the editor.

The deadline to submit campaign-related letters is 8 p.m. Oct. 31, 2019.

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