Letter: Ignore The Democrats, Vote To Pave Roads In Derby

DERBY — The Democrats continue to pursue their partisan, political, conflict-riddled agenda, which began at the first BoAA meeting after Mayor Dziekan’s re-election to a third term, which has continued in full force to the present looking to sew discord, delay or disrupt the Mayor’s attempts to move Derby forward. 

When directed by the Mayor, professional engineers identified more than twenty roads in our city that are in need of repaving. The Mayor supported bonding $3 million to correct that situation and to continue to improve Derby.

With regards to the ability to manage the bonds, under the Dziekan administration the city has managed bond projects totaling well in excess of the $3 million on the ballot. It was Mayor Dziekan who fixed the financial disaster, the previous Democrat administration left the city in, which included a $1.2 million deficit. Mayor Dziekan’s actions protected the city and kept it from bankruptcy. His actions resulted in a dramatic turnaround as recognized by Standard and Poor with an upgrade to the city’s bond rating providing for a lower borrowing rate for the current proposed road bond then would have been otherwise. After completing this remarkable turnaround and correcting the past failures of the Democrats, Mayor Dziekan held the line on taxes in the most recently adopted municipal budget. It sure sounds like excellent, financial management to me.

Mr. Malerba should check his facts before foolishly writing a letter that is baseless. The facts regarding the Road Bond Project are that it moves Derby forward by repaving roads identified by professionals as being in need, at a time when the city has recovered from the financial disaster created by the Democrats. And as a result, the city can now move ahead by identifying projects that need to be undertaken to move Derby down the right path. When it comes to voting for the Road Bond Project, I’m with Zeke. It’s time to move Derby forward. I encourage all Derby voters to vote in favor of the Road Bond Project and keep Derby heading in the right direction!

Mike Alberta

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