Letter: Now Is Not The Time For Derby To Borrow Money

To the Editor,

On Election Day, Derby Voters will be asked to vote on spending 3 million dollars of their hard-earned taxpayer money to replace roads in a process that was rushed through without any professional road analysis done, nor a list of roads approved by our City Boards, with gas still sky high and not the best economic climate to do a project such as this in.

I believe that each Derby voter should vote ​“NO” on question 2 and keep your hard-earned money in your pocket.

For 5 years, the Dziekan administration has ignored our roads, not maintained our infrastructure and now they are now asking you to foot the bill. Additionally, had this administration not made millions of dollars of financial mistakes resulting in the State monitoring our finances, perhaps we could have done this without having to borrow money. Now they want you to pay for their repeated financial mistakes.

As a taxpayer, I was offended at the recent Dziekan re-election mailer that was hidden as a city newsletter. Not only was it poorly done, sloppy and full of errors but we paid for it as it is using our taxpayer money to help their re-election bid.

Sadly the road project is no different. If the road bond project passes this is just more taxpayer money used to prop up the failing Dziekan administration, because make no mistake about it, this is about one thing and one thing only; having something for this administration to pin their hats on before next election. They were not even slick enough to hide it. One only needs to see that taxpayer-funded mailer to see that in just a few months before the next election, they will start the road project. 

That is the only reason this project was jammed through so that before next Election, the Dzeikan administration can send out a mailer (probably taxpayer funded again) showing action with the roads getting done to mask years of inactivity.

It’s smoke and mirrors and all a big scam. The roads are simply an election day ploy, nothing more.

On Election Day, say ​“NO” to their scam and vote ​“NO” on question 2.

Jim Gildea

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