Letter: Olson Drive Plans Lack Clarity, Here’s A Better Idea

ANSONIA — The area along Olson Drive, where the Riverside Apartments once stood, is one of the most valuable and developable pieces of real estate in Ansonia. 

Despite a recent Valley Indy poll that showed almost 60 percent of residents in favor of using Olson Drive for public use, the plan being discussed by current city Alders is to buy this property from the Ansonia Housing Authority for $500,000, then sell it to a private developer for $250,000 — with a ten-year tax abatement — to build a private sports complex/soccer field. 

Some current Alders have claimed this is a smart deal for the tax revenue,” but ask yourself this question: How exactly is this property going to generate tax revenue if the city won’t see returns for a decade, and will still be $250,000 in the red from selling the property at a loss?

We have a different vision for how to best utilize this property for the residents of Ansonia. In our eyes, the redevelopment of the Olson Drive property is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform Ansonia. With twelve acres available for development, why is this an either/or, all-or-nothing debate by the current officials? There is plenty of room for both private development AND a town green with a splash pad, bandshell, playground, outdoor workout equipment, picnic tables, etc. 

We envision a transformative space, with a privately-owned retail center with shops and restaurants on one side of High Street, and a new town green on the other. Funds from our $5.5M federal ARPA grant can be used towards the green’s construction, while the tax revenue from the retail center would increase our grand list and more than offset maintenance costs. 

We envision residents of downtown Ansonia using the town green to jog, walk their dogs, and relax outdoors. We see families from all neighborhoods coming down for play time at the splash pad, and people dining on Main Street before walking across the river to catch music at the bandshell. We see a community spending more time outdoors, enjoying its downtown, while supporting local businesses. We need vision to build a prosperous downtown that can be enjoyed by all, not just those who can afford to enjoy a private soccer field.

As a separate but equal body, it is the Board of Alders’ job to represent the residents of Ansonia — not simply to rubber-stamp all initiatives put forth by the current administration. The current proposal, with voiced support from some of the current Alders, is one-sided, misguided, and squanders this opportunity. The Democratic slate for the Board of Alders will push for a more thoughtful plan that takes into account both the fiscal needs of the town and the views of residents who deserve more amenities. 

Fellow Ansonians, we can do better — and you deserve better from the people who represent you. A more equitable balance of power on the Board of Alders will better represent you as we strive for the future.

Signed: The Ansonia Democratic Slate of Candidates for the 2021 Municipal Election
John Feddern, 1st Ward
Gary Farrar, 1st Ward
Bill Phipps, 2nd Ward
Joe Jeanette, 3rd Ward
Diane Stroman, 4th Ward
Rohan Brown, 4th Ward
Brian Perkins, 5th Ward
David Rhodes, 5th Ward
Chris Grizzle, 6th Ward
Jonathan Vining, 6th Ward
Leonard Duffus, 7th Ward
Steve Erlingheuser, 7th Ward

Letters cannot be more than 550 words. Click here for the complete policy.

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