Letter: Team Cassetti Are Hypocrites

I am completely beside myself with the level of hypocrisy that Team Cassetti and the Mayor have been perpetrating throughout the last 6 years. 

When Mayor Cassetti first ran for office in 2013, he heavily criticized then Mayor James Della Volpe for insinuating that Ansonia’s high tax burden was because of the state’s mandatory property revaluation. (https://valley.newhavenindependent.org/archives/entry/guest_column_cassetti_says_ansonia_needs_fresh_start/) However, in 2017, Mayor Cassetti did the same thing in an attempt to save face. When the state rolled out the mandatory property revaluation, Ansonia homeowners saw increases in their property values, which in turn would increase their tax rates. Despite the State of Connecticut releasing official guidance to lower the mill rate to compensate for the new increase in property taxes, Team Cassetti took it upon themselves to blame the state for this increase, just as Mayor Cassetti criticized Mayor Della Volpe for doing in 2013.

Also in 2013, Mayor Cassetti vowed to keep then Economic Development Director, Peter Kelly, on board if he won the election for Mayor. Once Mayor, Cassetti promptly fired Mr. Kelly, hiring Sheila O’Malley as the city’s Economic Development Director. This led to the taxpayer’s of Ansonia coughing up $17,500 to settle Mr. Kelly’s wrongful termination lawsuit, on top of high legal fees. (https://valley.newhavenindependent.org/archives/entry/ansonia_pays_17500_to_former_economic_development_director/) Mr. Kelly’s salary was $57,980, whereas Ms. O’Malley makes over $97,000 a year off of the taxpayer’s dime.

As far as the rest of Team Cassetti goes, then Alderman John Marini criticized the Della Volpe administration for not being transparent with Ansonia residents, proclaiming that having to file FOI requests is not true transparency.” (https://valley.newhavenindependent.org/archives/entry/alderman_marini_status_quo_doesnt_cut_it/) Now, under a Cassetti administration, calling City Hall for any shred of financial information results in being told to file an FOI with John Marini,” costing Ansonia’s already strapped taxpayers more in legal fees. 

Looking into Team Cassetti’s economic promises, they have been anything but truthful. We have been promised businesses like Buffalo Wild Wings, Petco, and Arby’s, but Ansonia residents have enjoyed none of these businesses. Further, nearly $5,000 for a campaign video was taken from taxpayers in 2017, claiming the best is yet to come.” Yet another campaigning stunt. (https://valley.newhavenindependent.org/archives/entry/As_Election_Day_Nears_Cassetti_Promises_The_Best_Is_Yet_To_Come/)

Finally, we have Cassetti’s Game Plan” from 2013, which outlines everything that Mayor Cassetti vowed to do for taxpayers when he became Mayor. (https://valley.newhavenindependent.org/archives/entry/ansonia_gop_unveils_game_plan/) Out of the many outright lies and plans that never came to fruition, one stands out. The first being Cassetti’s plan to abolish the Board of Apportionment and Taxation. Not only is the Board of Apportionment and Taxation not abolished, it is more biased than ever before, being fully manned by Team Cassetti. I implore all residents to read through the minutes of these meetings and see just how much lack of conversation there is. The Board of Apportionment and Taxation has went from wanting to being abolished by Cassetti, to being a board of mayoral appointees with one common agenda. Ladies and Gentlemen, Ansonia deserves better.

Brian Perkins

The writer is from Ansonia now serving in the U.S. military. His opinions are his own.

Editor’s Note: Click here to read The Valley Indy’s letters policy.

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