Letter: Team Cassetti Doesn’t Understand Economic Development

It has become clear in recent months that Team Cassetti does not understand what economic development is. 

What we have seen is not meaningful economic development for the majority of Ansonia, but rather talking points and complete misdirection. 

Team Cassetti is too focused on restaurants, many of which are too expensive for the very residents of this town.

Further we are shown their financial illiteracy in their 30 year bond for the police station (a bond that we got at a low rate” which will actually end up costing Ansonia more in the long run due to its extensive length), their decision of giving tax abatements for years with absolutely no benefits to Ansonia residents and workers, or their plan to purchase the Olson drive properties at $500,000 and sell it to Primrose, a private developer, at $250,000.

That’s $250,000 Ansonia residents will have to pay to just sell the land, with no current information on if that developer will pay taxes. 

Further, this is land that Ansonia doesn’t even own yet. 

Land that was promised to be affordable housing, a desperate need right now in Ansonia. And to make matters worse, Primrose has clearly stated that Ansonia and its residents will not get free use of the facility, directly saying It will not be for free.”

Economic development is not just getting landlords to pay taxes. It is SUPPOSED to be an economic stimulus where the money is pumped into the local economy through jobs and ensuring that money is, and stays, in Ansonia. Instead, we see Ansonia slowly turning into a playground for people from outside rather than those inside.

Economic Development is making sure the entire city benefits, not just the tax collector. It seems Team Cassetti would rather pad the coiffures than help this town actually take off.

The writer lives in Ansonia.

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The deadline to submit election letters expired Oct. 31.

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