Letter: This Fourth Of July, Remember America's Success Against All Odds

This July 4th it would be easier to look at the condition of our country and conclude that this great experiment in freedom is close to failure. The political polarization, the mass violence, the lack of unifying voices calling us toward the greater good, the weakening of our civic institutions and the brazen attacks to undermine our democracy all point to a nation in decline. But America has been on the ropes before, though, arguably, never have we faced such an existential threat from within. Yet, despite this condition, I still bet on us.

We are inheritors of a long line of men and women who have fought and died for freedom’s cause. Men and women who travelled to distant shores in search of liberty. Many were drawn to our nation by the hope and promise of a new more prosperous life. As the country grew we struggled with the vision set out by the founders in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to extend those freedoms and rights to all inhabitants. It required a civil war who’s legacy and toll we are still reckoning with to end slavery. It took a hundred more years to achieve equality under the law for all Americans. And, many struggles and fights to give women the right to vote. Nevertheless, through all these struggles (and countless more) we endured. 

It’s time for us to remember our true legacy. A legacy drenched in blood and hardship. Our’s is a story of hard won freedoms that every generation of Americans has a responsibility and duty to uphold. It is a story not without its share of contradiction, hypocrisy and evil. But, it is also a story of triumph against the odds, renewal, recommitment, hope, love and perseverance. We are the beneficiaries of men and women who yearned for freedom and pushed through their own doubts, fears, prejudices and sins to do their part to continue the work of forming a more perfect union. They struggled mightily for the freedoms we enjoy today. We must continue that work to ensure that that vision of American greatness touches all of us regardless of what we look like, how much money we have or where we live. 

Toward that end, the time has come for us to reject politicians who are more in love with themselves than the Truth. To rebuke those that insist on exploiting our differences then harnessing our similarities. To say ​“No!” to those that would seek to prey on our insecurities and fears instead of inspiring us to hope and dream. We must support leaders who aren’t just interested in winning the next election at all cost but instead leaders that respect and understand our founding principles and value the Republic over their party. 

We have serious problems and we need serious people who are willing to work with everyone to solve them regardless of party. This 4th of July let us resolve, like so many generations before us, to rededicate ourselves to the revival and renewal of freedom’s cause.

Happy Birthday America!

The author represents parts of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Derby, Hamden, Naugatuck and Woodbridge in the state Senate. 

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