Letter: Tripp Isn’t A Straight Shooter On Ansonia Economic Development

To most residents, Ansonia stands as a city transformed.

A once largely vacant Main Street now bustles with restaurants and commercial activity; Neglected infrastructure is being upgraded and improved. Ansonia is reclaiming its manufacturing heritage by attracting and retaining employers like Better Packages and Rugpad USA.

As stated by Valley Chamber of Commerce President Bill Purcell, Ansonia is experiencing a renaissance.”

That’s why it’s hard to swallow the alternate reality described by Phil Tripp: a version of Ansonia where economic development is AWOL” and activity only picks up around election time.

With all due respect, there is another term used in the military that perfectly describes Mr. Tripp’s of-the-mark views on economic development: No Impact, No Idea.” 

It’s a term that describes a shooter who misses his target entirely. And when it comes to views on economic development, Mr. Tripp isn’t shooting straight. 

First, residents are aware that development in Ansonia has been a regular occurrence since Mayor Cassetti first took office. Claiming that development only occurs around election time” suggests that Mr. Tripp only pays attention to it when it serves his purposes.

Second, claiming that Ansonia has seen very little in the way of new development projects downtown over the last decade” is a claim so bizarre that it’s possible Mr. Tripp is running for office in the wrong city. 

As an alderman, Mr. Tripp should be entirely aware that large scale projects are occurring downtown, including: 1. The ongoing construction of a new police station; 2. An application to allow redevelopment of Olson Drive; 3. The negotiation of a proposal that would see the redevelopment of the ATP/Palmer buildings along with 501 E. Main Street; 4. The redevelopment of a parcel adjacent to Target; and 5. The constant application for state and federal funds to proceed with demolition of Copper and Brass and SHW.

Which leads to a serious question: is Mr. Tripp running because he thinks he can do better, or to take credit for someone else’s hard work?

Finally, Mr. Tripp claims he has a plan that will include an innovative strategy that will unlock millions from the estimated $6 trillion in unrealized capital gains in American eligible for investing in Ansonia’s Opportunity Zone designation.”

Talk about no idea! It actually looks like the writer cut and pasted something from different sources. 

Here’s the straight story on opportunity zones: they are tax credits to be used to offset capital gains taxes and the program are meant to encourage private development. No funds would be unlocked” for the city, but there would be a commitment of private financing if someone does a project in and Opportunity Zone. Moreover, Mayor Cassetti has already applied for and received the Opportunity Zone designation for downtown, while the City of Derby was denied. Seymour and Shelton are also without the incentive designation.

Ultimately, Team Tripp’s only solution for economic development involves dismantling and replacing the team that has generated success and results for Ansonia. 

But remember that many of the candidates running under Mr. Tripp’s banner have already their chance to lead. They raised taxes and stalled development. Mr. Tripp’s views on development are frighteningly similar to theirs.

Do voters really want to change course and risk two years of No impact, No idea?”

The writer lives in Ansonia.

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The deadline to submit campaign-related letters is 8 p.m. Oct. 31, 2019.

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