Letter: Tripp’s Plan Is To Remove The People Key To Ansonia’s Resurgence

Dear Editor:

You know that old expression can’t see the forest through the trees?” 

That’s exactly what comes to mind when reading mayoral candidate Phil Tripp’s recent letter.

In his letter, Tripp overlooks the big picture of Mayor Cassetti’s success – such as the $5 million reconstruction of Wakelee Avenue, new police station project and Olson Drive redevelopment – and focuses intensely on what he perceives to be flaws and shortcomings.

The intended message is that Team Tripp could do even better.

Yet consider that Phil Tripp’s first actions as mayor would involve the removal of the entire economic development team that awoke Ansonia from its economic slumber in the first place.

Consider that Tripp would not seek to perfect development initiatives, but send the entire program back to square one.

Talk about overlooking the obvious!

Under Mayor Cassetti’s leadership, the City of Ansonia has undergone an economic reawakening. From new manufacturing firms to new restaurants, it is obvious that progress is being made. And the numbers don’t lie: nearly $50 million in development grants since 2013, and a $90 million increase in the grand list in that same time.

Candidate Tripp has become so consumed with nitpicking the negative, that he has become blind to the big picture: that after years and years of dormancy, we finally have a team in City Hall capable of unlocking Ansonia’s potential.

Voters shouldn’t get tripped up on the negative nitpicks: the Mayor’s opponent offers little more than a return to economic hibernation.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbi Tar
Republican Candidate for 2nd Ward Alderman

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