Local Chapter Participated In The Massing Of The Colors In Newtown

The Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) - from left Honorary CTDAR State Regent/Honorary SRH-MS Chapter Regent Christy Hendrie and her grand daughters (Adlien and Abigail).

The Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, NSDAR participated in the 55th Massing of the Colors hosted by the New Haven Colony National Society of New England Women on October 15, 2022 at the Newtown Congregational Church. Regent Buchanan represented our Chapter and Chaplain Cheryl Basztura carried our Chapter Flag. Diane Jowdy and Lois Hayden joined them at the ceremony. Honorary State Regent & Honorary Chapter Regent Christy Hendrie attended on behalf of the Children of the American Revolution.

The Society of the Massing of the Colors first held a patriotic ceremony on Armistice Day in 1922. The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) inherited the responsibility for conducting this event across the country in 1927 when the original sponsoring Society faded away. To date, MOWW is the only Veteran Service Organization (VSO) in the United States to conduct such ceremonies. (https://moww.org/programs/massing-of-colors/) The Massing of the Colors is a celebration of hereditary and patriotic societies held annually throughout the United States and Puerto Rico and brings together representatives of over 250 lineage and genealogical societies. Societies take turns hosting this event.

The Massing of the Colors is a patriotic ceremony to rededicate our faith in the colors of the United States and to present our support to those Colors and of the servicemen and women those Colors represent. It combines the colors and color guards of active and reserve component military units, veterans’ organizations, civic, and patriotic organizations.

The ceremonies at the Newtown Congregational Church included the Presentation of the Colors by Sheldon’s Horse 2nd Regiment Light Dragoons. Richard Swartwout served as Caller announcing the various societies. An interesting presentation was given by Melinda Elliott entitled “ Home of the Brave — When Southbury said ​“NO” to the Nazis”. Following the ceremony, light refreshments were served. 

SRH-MS Chapter Regent Buchanan said it was truly an honor for her to represent the Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Regent Buchanan also said the DAR is supportive of women who serve our nation and was proud to join the other hereditary organizations honoring our service men and women. She added this celebratory, unifying event was made even better by the glorious fall weather and colors.

The DAR is a non-profit women’s service organization dedicated to historic preservation, education and patriotism. Any woman over 18 who can prove lineal descent to an ancestor who served in the American Revolution is a prospective member. For more information on the DAR visit http://www.sarahriggshumphreysDAR.org

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution asks everyone to celebrate the 250th Birthday of the United States of America and the Patriots that achieved American Independence. For more information visit https://honoringourpatriots.dar.org/

Members of the SRH-MS Chapter, NSDAR with chapter flag - from left Lois Hayden, Chapter Regent Jeaneen Buchanan, Chapter Chaplain Cheryl Basztura (holding flag), and Diane Jowdey.

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