The Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, teamed up with Shelton’s Howe Ave. Dunkin Donuts for the Third Annual DAR and Donuts in honor of our Veterans.
American Legion Sutter-Terlizzi Post #16 conducted its annual Veterans Day Program at Shelton’s River Walk on Friday, Nov. 11.
Judy Savary, DAR Veterans Services Committee Chair, thanked Mark Dymerski, franchise owner of the Howe Ave. Dunkin Donuts. He provided coffee and donuts while members of the SRH-MS Chapter manned the table at the Farmers Market area. The DAR also wishes to thank Guy Beardsley for opening the Farm Market building for our chapter’s use. Everyone enjoyed the coffee and munchkins.
Mr. Sabetta, American Legion President, hosted a luncheon at the American Legion Post, 295 Bridgeport Ave. after the Veterans Day Ceremony which was well attended. It is important to remember our service men and women and their devotion to our nation. Veterans Day is one way to always remember.
For more information on the American Legion Post 16, click here. For more information on the DAR click here or call SRH-MS Chapter Regent Barbara Wells at 203 – 550-9643.
The DAR is committed to fostering love of country and preserving our American heritage.