The Derby Public Library has scheduled its next Lunchtime Book Discussion for Wednesday, April 24 at 12:30 p.m.
The selected title is the critically acclaimed best seller, “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn.
On the day of their fifth anniversary, Nick’s wife Amy disappears. Nick immediately becomes the prime suspect, but he maintains his innocence. Told from alternating points of view, Flynn creates an untrustworthy world that changes chapter to chapter. As the case evolves, every couple in town is soon wondering how well they really know the one they love. The suspense intensifies until the end when you find out that the truth is more dark and twisted than you ever imagined.
Multiple copies of the book are available at the circulation desk. Participants are asked to bring a sandwich and a friend as they “chat and chew.” Dessert and beverages will be provided.
Registration is requested. For more information, stop by the Library at 313 Elizabeth St. or call 203 736‑1482 or visit