Magri Details Her Candidacy For Seymour School Board

It is my belief that the Board of Education needs to have strong leadership over the coming years given that it will be challenged with a change in personnel at the Superintendent’s position, a significant change to the board’s membership, with four new members being elected this fall, and continued economic and community pressure to do more with less even as the state and federal governments mandate more initiatives, often unfunded. 

The current opinion of the BOE within the community is not a positive one. There is dissension within the board at times and there is certainly an adversarial relationship with the Board of Finance come budget time.

As a VP of Business Operations for a local company I am focused on operating efficiencies, customer service and financial health. 

These skills are essential to a successful school system and an effective school board member. 

I am usually the only attendee outside of school personnel at most BOE meetings. 

Over the past 15 months I have attended each regular BOE meeting, minus one where
I was out of town, so that I could gain a better understanding of the challenges faced and current school system operations. 

Additionally, I have attended BOE meetings in other local towns in order to observe and determine best practices. That research will enhance my ability to offer suggestions for
improvement and serve effectively.

While contributing to some positive changes I cannot say that I agree with all that has been done. I do not hesitate to challenge the current administration when necessary. 

I continue to do that not only to encourage them to consider alternatives but to further educate myself about the how’s and whys of what is happening within the school system.

My influence as a private citizen and parent is evidenced by my determination in seeing to it that the high school graduation procedures were revamped after the controversial police searches of students in 2010. 

In part, due to my influence, positive changes were brought about with the 2011 graduation ceremony. 

I have also spent many hours helping to educate the public about why they need to get out and vote in budget referendums. 

We saw a marked increase in first time and parent voters this spring due to those efforts.

Without a quality educational system in our town, our tax base will continue to erode, our population’s socio-economic demographic will continue to decline and our children will be destined to a quality of life that does not meet or exceed our own. 

We must invest in our future – not only in our town’s infrastructure but also its resources, which include our children and their education.

If you agree it will take a strong individual with a passion to improve community relations, provide and advocate for all children and ensure that we are doing both of those things in the most economical and creative ways possible, then I ask that you please support me with your vote on November 8th.

The writer is a Republican candidate for the Seymour Board of Education.

Editor’s note: The Valley Indy welcomes guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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