Major Water Main Break In Derby

The Route 34 bridge over the Naugatuck River suffered a major water main break Friday morning, causing the pavement to heave and creating a traffic nightmare.

The water main break happened just before 9 a.m.

The westbound lanes of the bridge are closed at the former Tailgator’s restaurant at Derby Avenue.

State police, Derby police, the Regional Water Authority and the state Department of Transportation are all at the scene.

Large swaths of Derby and Ansonia — including Griffin Hospital and the Derby Public Schools — suffered low water pressure as a result of the break.

At 11:05 a.m., the water authority isolated the break. Water pressure was expected to return to normal levels.

“The section of pipe was isolated within an hour, and water service has been restored to all customers in the area,” Regional Water Authority spokeswoman Kate Powell said in an e‑mail. ​“The break could take several hours to repair. Motorists are asked to avoid the area, if possible.”

Powell also said:

  • Some customers may continue to experience discolored water as a result of the initial drop in water pressure in the water mains.
  • They are advised to run the water for a few minutes to clear the discoloration.
  • If the color does not return to normal after running the water in their home, customers should call 203 – 562-4020. Customers should use caution when washing clothes, especially light colored ones. Check the condition of the water to prevent staining.

Griffin Hospital put its emergency room on diversion during the incident, meaning any ambulance calls were to take patients to Milford Hospital. 

Hospital spokesman Ken Roberts said water pressure was restored about 11 a.m., but the hospital would keep diverting emergency ambulance calls to Milford Hospital until about noon, to be certain the problem was cleared up, as a precautionary measure.

They had already begun distributing bottled water to the patient floors, for the 96 patients who were in the hospital. 

“Everything is fully functional at this time,” Roberts said at 11:30 a.m.

He said the hospital keeps a supply of bottled water on hand for cases like this.

Sixty percent of the roughly 3,500 customers in Ansonia and Derby were affected this morning.

If you’re traveling on Route 34 from the New Haven area, your best bet is to take Route 243 into Ansonia and the Valley. 

Motorists on Route 8 should not get off the highway at Route 34 in Derby unless they like sitting in traffic.

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