The Maple Syrup Festival was Saturday March 2, at the Ansonia Nature Center. Visitors were able to see demonstrations by Derby Historical Society Docent Tina Carlson portraying Mistress Mercy Hawkins as she demonstrated butter churning and explained maple syrup making the colonial way.
Visitors were also able to view a modern method of evaporation by Tim Sotir of Oxford. He extracted the sugars from the sap to make syrup. Although the process demonstrated took about seven hours to produce a finished product, it wasn’t long before there was a sweet sugary smell in the air of the syrup.
Also on hand was Nil Guillet displaying for sale some syrup he made right here in Oxford. He also gave samples for visitors. The festival also included tree tapping, a wildlife table, owl viewing, maple bake sale, and kids crafts.
Check out the photo gallery with pictures from the Maple Syrup Festival.
(Note: Photos submitted by Markanthony Izzo)