Ansonia Mead School Sixth Grade teachers Christa Cable, Katy Twyman, Melissa Warner and Evelyn Willett were recently honored at the Connecticut Association of Schools 18th Annual Program Recognition Banquet at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington, Connecticut, on Nov. 21.
They were honored for their reading program, “The Key is to Read!”
This program challenges students to read books throughout the school year.
Students are asked to select interesting and challenging books to read and complete a short paragraph that provides details regarding the story. The teachers monitor what is read by having parents sign the key form and they also review and tally the books.
Last year the sixth grade students read more than 700 books.
This year they have been challenged to read 500 books by February and are expected to read approximately 800 books by May.
The challenge was so popular and meaningful that the entire school is participating and is expected to read more than 3,500 books by February.
Principal Terri Goldson said, “We are so proud of our teachers who were honored, but more importantly I am delighted that they inspired our students, parents, teachers and entire school to get involved with the reading challenge”.
The Connecticut Association of Schools in conjunction with Horace Mann Insurance sponsors this annual event.
Kevin Hogan, News Bureau Chief for WFSB, Channel 3, served as master of ceremonies.
Associate Commissioner Dr. Martinez, the key note speaker, acknowledged the uniqueness of the exemplary programs and praised the dedication and commitment of the staffs being honored. “It’s important to shine a light on these educators who have challenged themselves and their students with engaging and creative programs.”