Meet The Derby School Board Candidates

The Valley Indy sent a brief questionnaire to the candidates running for the Derby Board of Education.

The questions were distributed to the candidates by local party officials.

We distributed the questions on Oct. 10 with an Oct. 31 deadline.

Among the questions — we asked each candidate for his or her position on an idea to redistrict the Bradley and Irving elementary schools.

However, on Oct. 23, Derby Superintendent Matthew Conway announced the school board was scrapping the idea, which had been met with stiff opposition from parents. The school board will be looking for other alternatives.

The move complicated the answers to the questionnaire (Do we still ask the question? Do we send out a replacement question? What about the candidates who answered prior to Oct. 23?), but the Valley Indy decided to publish the answer to the question if the candidate took the time to provide one.

The Valley Indy did not receive responses to any of our questions from Republican candidates Denise Bottone (incumbent), Joseph Szewczyk and Rebecca O’Hara (incumbent).

There are 12 candidates vying for nine seats on the Derby school board.

Craig Drezek
Running on the Democratic line
Age – 42
Occupation – Educator
Number of children – 5
Community activity
 — Coach Pop Warner, Volunteer Coach Derby High School Girls’ Varsity Basketball, Coach Derby Little League & Softball League, Coach Derby/Ansonia Girls Travel Basketball League, Democratic Town Committee member

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I am running for the Board of Education to get more involved in the decision making process that governs our education system. I bring over 17 years of school system leadership experience with me as a candidate. 

As the former principal of Derby High School, as a former superintendent of a regional school district and as a current district level administrator, my experience allows me to help make sound educational policies while taking into consideration the needs of the Derby school system, children, staff, families and community.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

I believe the greatest challenge facing the Derby Public School system is deciding what is the best plan of action for our future. Far too many times, Boards of Education make decisions without taking into consideration the long term needs and effects of such decisions. 

Derby, in my opinion, needs to come together as a community and set real, attainable goals for our children’s future. Great communities have one thing in common, a great school system. 

Having clear and defined objectives, a clear path to achieving those objectives, sustainable resources and putting the needs of the Derby children first, will be a plan of action I would support.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

Yes. My wife and I have five children that all attend the Derby Public Schools. My children attend Bradley, Derby Middle School and Derby High School.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving elementary schools?

Having served on the original Derby Public School Regionalization Committee, which eventually took on the task of the internal redistricting concept, I felt there was not enough evidence to support the plan that was presented. 

As an educator, most of the research that is available today shows evidence that the least amount of transitions a child goes through, the more successful they will be when it comes to achievement and student outcomes. 

I am not opposed to the concept of strengthening our educational offerings, enhancing our curriculum, supporting our staff, achieving greater student outcomes and supporting a plan which would allow the students to get to know each other prior to merging at the middle school. 

What I am most concerned about, has the decision been well thought out and researched? Has there been sufficient resources allocated to make it a smooth and seamless transition? Is there enough time to prepare the staff, move the school materials and purchase the necessary resources before school year 2014 – 2015 begins in eight short months? 

Have all the logistics been worked out as to busing, school start and stop times and which staff will be allocated to which school and which grade? These are the answers that have not been available, as of this moment. 

The answers to these questions would help me to have a better sense of comfort that this plan is what is best for all” the children of Derby. 

And if the answers do not support this plan, then we need to look in a different direction on how to better all of our schools and our school system as a whole.”

Jim Gildea
Running on the Republican line
Age – 46
Occupation – Plant Manager at Bigelow Tea
Number of children – 7

Community Activities:

Member of the Derby Water Pollution Control Authority, Connecticut Commuter Rail Council (appointed by Gov. Dannel Malloy), Member of the Board of Directors, Leadership for Greater Bridgeport, religion teacher at Holy Rosary Church

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I am a parent of five children who attend the Derby Public School system. I feel that the partnership between parents, the school system and the Board of Education is lacking and that we need to re-establish this critical partnership necessary to move our school system forward.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

The lack of advocacy and coordination amongst parents, the school system and board members to lobby for and work together to fight for the educational enhancements necessary to move the school system forward. We need to re-engage our parents and make them part of the process.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

I have seven children, two of whom graduated from Derby High School and went to college. The remaining five attend the Derby Public School system. They range in grades 2 through 12.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving elementary schools?

I am a strong proponent of the neighbor school concept and believe that people move into the neighborhoods that they choose in part based upon the school district their home resides in. I do not feel that enough data exists to prove that it is a good idea to take young children from their neighborhood schools and relocate them earlier than necessary.”

Laura Harris (incumbent)

Running on the Republican line

Occupation – Retired from the Derby BOE office in 2006, grandmother of five

Number of children – Three

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

(I am) passionate about the importance of education, I also recognize the board I serve on has accountability to the taxpayer for a fiscally prudent school system.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

Married for 37 years to Bill Harris, raised two daughters and a son, all of whom attended Derby schools.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

My primary concern is to balance the needs of the Derby student population with the means of the community to achieve the best possible answers to the educational challenges of today.”

George F. Kurtyka (incumbent)
Age – 61
Occupation – Corporate Investigator at Yale New Haven Hospital Health Systems
Number of children – 2
Community activity
 — Current member of the Derby Board of Education, Past President of the Valley Regional Lodge 151 Sons of Italy, member of the Derby Elks Lodge and member of the AM Club. Past member of the Derby Board of Apportionment and Taxation.

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I am running for re-election on the Derby Board of Education to serve my community and the staff of the Derby Public School system. I volunteer my time, talent and continued experience to help our students achieve academic excellence.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

The school district does a exceptional job in recognizing the potential in our students. We have to devise plans to help them succeed. We must aim higher on our standardized test scores. We must place a higher emphasis on math, science, and reading because these are the core foundations for all learning.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when
they were younger?

I do not presently have any children in the Derby Public School system. When my children were younger they attended St. Michael’s and later St. Mary’s school because I attended Catholic schools and my parents attended Catholic schools. It was a family tradition.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving elementary schools?

I did not support the redistricting plan as presented by the subcommittee. I believe that forcing elementary school children to start a new school every three years is unreasonable and children at this age need stability. 

Secondly, the negative academic and social effects of frequent school transition is obvious and there is established research to show this. 

Finally, many children would never attend the same elementary school together under the realignment plan. 

The parents of the children in our school system vote for members of the Board of Education to represent them. In both public forums, over 95 percent of the parents did not agree with the realignment plan. If we represent the parents decision, then we should abide by their wishes.

We have new administrators in both our elementary schools. They are excellent leaders. Lets give them a chance to raise our academic standards and recognize the potential in our students.”

Andrew Mancini (incumbent)
Running on the Democratic line
Age – 63
Occupation – Assistant Housemaster Fairfield Preparatory College
Number of children – 5
Community activity
Current member of the Derby Board of Education, Assistant Coach Derby Pop Warner, Assistant Coach Derby Little League, Vice-President Derby Little League

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I feel it is important to advocate for the youth of our community and to upgrade our education facilities, and to give our children the opportunity to be successful in our competitive society. I feel that having the past experience within a school environment, I can offer a lot to the Derby Board of Education and the school system.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

I believe it is giving our students the necessary skills and talents to be successful and confident as they progress and choose their career paths. If it means that we have to upgrade our technology, our method of teaching or style, we must do so.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

I had my three children attending the elementary schools when they were younger and now two my grandchildren are attending the Derby School System, one at Bradley School and one at Derby High School.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving elementary schools?

The redistricting proposal is a moot point as of our community meeting Oct. 23. However, I am open to hearing more information on this topic and to consider other options proposed.”

Kenneth Marcucio, Sr. (incumbent)
Running on the Democratic line
Age – 70
Occupation – Retired
Number of children – 4
Community activity:

I have lived in Derby all my life and attended Derby schools. I have been married to Judy (Simmon) Marcucio for the past 49 years.

I have four children, Karen, Ken Jr., Brian, and Scott Marcucio and four grand children, Jacob, Samuel, Kyle, and Charlotte. I have a B.S. in Business Administration from Quinnipiac and a Masters degree from the University of Bridgeport in Secondary Education.

I received my degree in administration from Fairfield University. I worked as an accountant at Avco until 1968 when I was hired as a teacher at Derby High School.

I taught at Derby High School for 36 years, until 2004 when I retired. I served as the DHS Business Chairman and Athletic Director. I also served as Cross Country and JV baseball coach.

As Derby’s AD the school won six state championships. I was a member of the St. Mary Parish Council and a lector for 20 years.

I am a member of the St. Mary’s Men’s Club, March of Dimes Committee, Elk’s Club, A.M. Club, Democratic Town Committee, President Derby Little League and a member of CT High School Coaches Association.

I am an active member of the Connecticut Association of Athletic Directors, and have served as treasurer since 1991. I am a Certified Athletic Administrator.

I was also on the CAS/CIAC Cross Country Committee, SCC Football Chairman, a three time President of the Derby Education Association, a member of the Recreation Commission.

I am presently serving in my third term as a member of the Board of Education and have been chairman the last four years.

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I am running for the Board of Education to help prepare the children in Derby for their lives after high school. We are doing this by working with our administrators and teachers to lay the ground work to allow this to happen.

It is important that every child in Derby gets the best possible education to help prepare them for college or their entry into the job market after high school.

We have to use the money we receive from the city and state in a positive way, so our students are getting the greatest benefit from all the programs that we provide them.

It now seems that with our present Superintendent this is happening. We can see many positive things happening in our city that have been missing for years. We want to continue this positive progress to help get our children the best possible education so they will be prepared to go to the next level.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

The most important challenge for the Derby Public Schools is to improve our school system so we would not be one of the 30 State Alliance School Districts.

It is nice to get money from the state, but it is imperative that we use the money the state is giving us as an Alliance School District to improve our test scores enough to meet state goals, become more proficient and get off of this list. If we are not on this list it would mean that we are improving and our children are getting the best possible education.

With the leadership of Dr. Conway, our Superintendent of Schools, we have taken the forefront in the introduction of common core standards for our students and the SEED program for teacher evaluation.

We have done this through Administrative and Teacher Professional Development over the last ten months. I think we are well ahead of the curve in these areas. I believe we have an excellent administrative team and faculty in place, which will help us improve our school district.

It now seems that administrators and teachers want to stay in Derby, and with their guidance help our children get the best possible education.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

All of my children attended the Derby Public Schools and graduated from Derby High School.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving elementary schools?

This is no longer an issue in our school system. With all the additional information that Dr. Conway has presented in our recent meetings, it has been decided not to re-district and to have the committee investigate other possible plans that would be better suited for our children and schools and produce a more positive result.

The redistricting that was proposed in this plan would probably not have helped our children improve their education, but have a more negative effect on their education and the entire school system.

On Oct. 23, we had a forum with Richard Kahlenberg, a specialist in this area. All his studies indicated that we should go in a different direction with this plan.”

Casey Picheco
Running on the Republican line
Age – 42
Occupation – Director of Social Services at Hewitt Health & Rehab Center in Shelton
Children – 2
Community activities
 — Former two-term member of the Derby Board of Education, volunteer coach with Derby Pop Warner’s Jr. PeeWee Team.

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I am running again due to having a sincere interest in public education in my community, and to focus on student achievement and implement policies that will ensure success for all students.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools?

I feel teachers should have more say in customizing the environment, curriculum, and culture of their classrooms. A one size fits all approach from the powers above does not work well in reality. This is something that needs to be vocalized more and addressed frequently.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

I have two children attending Derby Public Schools. Kelsey is 8 years old and in the fourth grade and Nicholas, 13, is in the 8th grade.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving elementary schools?

Not at this time. Clearly, the Redistricting and consolidation process is the most significant topic for parents and the community. I appreciate the many and varied viewpoint and ideas I have heard from the community.

I will continue to listen, examine the data and work cooperatively with all involved. I would like to see both Principals have the opportunity somewhat longer to really make strides in their schools.”

Christine LaPaglia Robinson (incumbent)

Running on the Democratic line
Occupation – office manager and medical receptionist in Shelton
Number of children – 3

Community Activities: Multiple terms on the Derby Board of Education dating back to the 1980s. Currently trying for her third consecutive term on the school board. She served on the committee to form Spooner House, she co-founded the Derby Women’s Softball League, coached the Girls’ Citywide Basketball League.

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education?

I am dedicated to the educational needs of all the children in Derby and will work hard to ensure that each and every one of our children are prepared to do their very best educationally and throughout their life.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when they were younger?

Christopher, Keith and Jeffrey were all educated through the Derby public school system.”

James J. Stadt

Running on the Democratic line
Age – 55
Occupation – Store Manager for Modells Sporting Goods
Number of children – 4
Community activities — Derby Middle School Student Governance Committee (chairman) , Derby Common Core (New Learning), Derby Volunteer Firefighter (Paugassett Hook and Ladder)

Why are you running for the Derby Board of Education? 

As a former B.O.E member and a parent, I see how the parents struggle to find out what goes on in the schools. In the past, I was always the person that talked to the teachers, parents, I even went into the schools to talk to the students.

I will always be there for all of the parents, teachers, students and taxpayers of the City of Derby.”

What’s the single greatest challenge facing Derby Public Schools.

Using the money in the budget to get our children the best education possible.”

Do you have school-aged children and do they attend Derby Public Schools? If your kids are older, did they attend Derby schools when
they were younger?

I have a step-daughter that graduated from Derby High and went thru the Derby school system. And I also have a daughter that is in the seventh grade at Derby Middle School.”

Would you support the redistricting plan recently proposed by a Derby Board of Education subcommittee for the Bradley and Irving
elementary schools?

I cannot support the plan at this time. There are too many unanswered questions. My biggest concern is how much extra will this plan cost the taxpayers, and are we sure that this will benefit all the children of Derby?”

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