Merchants Flood Derby Sewer Authority With Complaints

The city’s Water Pollution Control Authority said they will extend due dates on sewer bills for commercial and mixed-use property owners until Sept. 1 and reconsider the changes that sent those bills soaring, the New Haven Register reports.

The news comes after a WPCA meeting Wednesday night in Derby City Hall — the first meeting since business owners and residents received their new, more expensive sewer bills.

Click here for a previous Valley Indy story on the controversy.

A bevy of business owners complained about the increase, which increased the annual bill by a whopping 50 percent for some business owners.

Click here to read what the frustrated merchants had to say.

The WPCA has said they needed to money to pay for much-needed repairs to the sewer infrastructure.

While the WPCA discussed the fee increases for months — and held a public hearing on the new initiative before bills went out, the increases came and as big surprise to Derby residents and business owners.

Here’s a video from the Register:

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