Military Vets Raise Money In Shelton 5K

CONTRIBUTEDShelton resident Lauren Cust, a wounded warrior from Operation Iraqi Freedom, and her Derby/Shelton AMVETS Post 43 team were the top fundraisers for the 4th Annual Sunset Run For The Warriors held on the Huntington Green in Huntington on Aug. 18.

Lauren was the top individual fundraiser and AMVETS Post 43 was the top team fundraiser with $1,055 donated for the race.

Pictured are members of the Derby/Shelton AMVETS Post 43 2013 Sunset Run For The Warriors Team. Left to right: Josh Phillips, Capt. Dean White, Ed Michaud, Jenny McLaughlin, Chris McLaughlin, Lauren Cust, AMVETS State Commander Frank Dlugokinski, John Putnoki, Donald DeYoung, and Al Meadows. Team member Stan Sanders not pictured.

Lauren was presented a Certificate of Appreciation from Hope For The Warriors for her fundraising efforts.

The mission of Hope For The Warriors is to enhance the quality of life for post‑9/11 service members, their families, and families of the fallen who have sustained physical and psychological wounds in the line of duty.

Lauren was also awarded a medal for her first place finish in her age category in the 5K race. 

Derby resident Josh Phillips, who is the 2nd Vice Commander of the Derby/Shelton AMVETS Post 43, assisted in the successful fundraising efforts. Josh is a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Josh also ran the 5K race.

AMVETS Post 43 was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for their fundraising efforts and for the number of team members. Half of the Post 43 team members are wounded warriors and disabled veterans.

For information about AMVETS Post 43 contact Al Meadows at 203 – 929-3357 or e‑mail

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