A disorderly conduct charge lodged by Shelton police against a former high school teacher is still not resolved.
The former teacher, George Perduta, was on the docket at Superior Court in Derby Wednesday (Feb. 17), where he was expected to apply for accelerated rehabilitation, a special form of probation that results in criminal charges against first-time offenders being dismissed.
But for the second time in as many months, the case was continued without Perduta or his lawyer setting foot in the courthouse.
The case was on the docket for 10 a.m.
A prosecutor announced about 3:15 p.m. that Perduta’s lawyer had asked for a continuance in the case to March 7.
Judge Peter Brown then granted the continuance.
The Valley Indy left a message at the lawyer’s office late Wednesday.
Perduta, 57, was charged with disorderly conduct Sept. 8, the culmination of a Shelton police investigation that started in April.
A 17-year-old female student, then a senior at the high school, said Perduta tried to kiss her in the parking lot of the Shelton Walmart after the two returned from dinner at the Texas Road House in West Haven.
School officials and Shelton police quickly found out, with both agencies launching investigations into his relationship with the student.
It is believed the April incident is the only time Perduta met with the teen outside of school.
Perduta resigned from the high school in May. Just prior to that he resigned his position on the Board of Education in Berlin.
Click here for an in-depth story published by the Valley Indy Sept. 17.