More Rain On The Way

The National Weather Service issued a flash flood watch for 4 a.m. Friday until 12 p.m. Friday.

The flood watch was issued at 12:15 p.m. Thursday.

The rain could become heavy overnight into Friday morning, according to the National Weather Service.

This is troublesome news given the flooding that impacted the region Tuesday, leaving the area water-logged.

Friday’s morning commute could be challenging.

Rainfall of at least 3/4 to 1 inch is expected, with locally higher amounts up to 2 inches,” according to the weather service.

There is still some uncertainty as to where the heaviest rainfall bands will set up, so not all places within the watch area may experience flooding.

However, it will not take much additional rainfall to cause flooding in locations hard hit on tuesday, and the heavier rainfall rates and total amounts could cause urban and highway flooding during the Friday morning rush.”

Visit the National Weather Service for updates.

The Housatonic River at Stevenson is also approaching its 11-foot flood stage, according to an hourly report published on the web.

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