More Than 2,700 People To ‘Pound The Pavement’ In Seymour

Seymour Pink, a nonprofit dedicated to uniting a community in the fight against breast cancer, will host the 7th Annual Pounding the Pavement for Pink 5K Run/Walk presented by Haynes Construction, on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018 at 9 a.m. at Seymour Community Center in Seymour.

The 7th Annual event brings athletes of all abilities together to support the battle against breast cancer. Participants are coming from 134 cities in Connecticut plus 14 states, and even one participant from Norway; 145 breast-cancer patients and survivors will be participating as well.

Running enthusiasts and all Seymour Pink supporters are invited to participate or attend the event to raise funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. The 3.1 mile course runs through the west side of Seymour and is perfect for first time 5K runners. 

There is also a Kid’s Run for children aged 8 and under. Awards will be given to male and female participants who finish first, as well as the top three male and female finishers in specific-age categories. 

We honor our top 10 participants that are breast cancer survivors or current fighters; additional awards include the pinkest outfit, unsung hero award, most 
spirit, and most monies raised.

As in previous years, participants are encouraged to form a team, bringing together friends and family members to challenge themselves to complete the course and raise additional funds. Our goal for this event is to raise over $100,000 towards the FIGHT against breast cancer and to help defray some of the financial burden those currently in the fight. 

Donations will being accepted on Saturday and on our website

Seymour Pink is an active grass roots organization with many exciting community minded fundraising events ranging including this 5K run/walk, an annual pasta dinner, our annual wine tasting gala, and the day that started it all, a day in October we proclaim as Seymour Pink” Day where we SEE MORE PINK” to raise awareness about this life altering disease. 

These amazing events are not only successful in raising funds to FIGHT breast cancer, but in bringing a community together in the FIGHT.

For more information on the event, to volunteer, register or become a sponsor, visit

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