Most-Popular Stories Of The Week

It’s a perfect autumn afternoon as I type this — perfect for door knocking for all of the candidates running for political office.

And politics is on the minds of Valley Indy readers, as evidenced by the fact that campaign-related letters to the editor dominate the most-read stories of the list.

This week’s list, by the way, is sponsored by Derby Mayor Rich Dziekan’s re-election campaign.

This post continues after the image.

And now, on with the list:

5. Letter: Candidate Isn’t Fit To Be Mayor

4. Letter: Here Are The Cassetti Administration’s Shortcomings

3. Letter: Positive Things On Horizon, But I Am Concerned

2. Candidate: Derby Gov’t Is Politicizing The Public’s Right To Know

1. Letter: Cassetti supporter provided ​‘misinformation’

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