An event in Derby will observe National Day of Prayer on May 3.
This will be held on the Derby Green from 12 1 p.m. All religions and cultures are welcome.
The National Day of Prayer has been a vital part of our national heritage since the first call to prayer in 1775, when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation.
A joint resolution by Congress in 1952, signed by President Truman, declared an annual National Day of Prayer. In 1988, that law was amended and signed by President Reagan, permanently establishing the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of every May.
Each year our nation’s president, governors, mayors, and other elected officials sign proclamations encouraging all Americans to pray for their country on the National Day of Prayer.
Please make time to join this gathering to pray for our nation. Our country needs prayer now more than ever. The emphasis will be on the following topics: government, military, first respondents, media, business, education, church, and family.
For a full listing of all National Day of Prayer activities visit the National Day of Prayer Task Force Web site at