Nature Walks Scheduled In Seymour

The Seymour Land Conservation Trust and the Housatonic Valley Association are hosting monthly nature walks as part of the WalkCT program, which tries to get more people outside walking. 

The walks are free and open to the public, including families. They explore open space in Seymour. 

The following walks are scheduled:

March 31: Fountain Lake Reservoir. Birmingham Boulevard and Great Hill Road in Seymour, CT. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The walk will explore portions of the Woodbury Path, an ancient highway traveled by Woodbury and Derby colonists to bring their farm goods to New Haven. The 2‑mile walk includes easy to moderate terrain. 

April 29: Little Laurel Lime Park. Tibbets Road in Seymour CT. 1 to 3 p.m. Hike through a unique ridge-top ecosystem dominated by chestnut, oak and mountain laurel. Follow a trail that winds along old mining roads, leading to dramatic overlooks of the Housatonic River. 

June 30: Quillinan Reservoir. Clinton Road in Seymour, CT. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Come hike old farm roads and logging trails lined with cellar holes, stonewalls and pine plantations found of the beautiful state property surrounding the Quillinan Reservoir. 

Pre-registration is recommended for all events. Contact the Connecticut Forest & Park Association before the date of the walk at (860) 346-TREE or e‑mail to register. 

Phone WalkCT Family Guides Peter and Barbara Rzasa at (203) 888‑0358 with any questions.

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